Author: Tom Van Ruiten
I was recently filling out the candidate profile information on our county website. There were only 4 questions a candidate could answer to help inform/influence voters, besides the basic contact info like name, address, zip, etc.
On the county site, they asked:
Formal Education
Current Occupation
Government Background
Reason for seeking position
I'm not sure who or how these 4 topics were determined. I'm not sure of the reason the county publishes this content either. I could assume it is to inform voters of their options for various elected offices - that seems reasonable. But then who decided the questions? If you could only know a few things about a candidate, are these the things that would matter most to you? Maybe. But I suspect we could agree that there are some other good options out there as well. Like primary concerns, policy plans, vision of the future, and the list goes on and on. There are a lot of options to help showcase the abilities, personality, values, and experience of a candidate, but Government Background? It wouldn't make my top 4, and in fact, I have a perspective that may surprise some people. But others will totally get it. Here is what you'll find under the "Government Background" section on the Washoe County 2024 candidate webpage:
Tom does not have experience in government, which he views not as a shortcoming but as a strength that aligns with democratic principles. Our founders envisioned a government by the people, not a political class of career politicians. They believed public office should be accessible to all, without barriers based on prior governmental work. This inclusivity ensures diverse voices and fresh perspectives, unencumbered by bureaucratic norms, contribute to decision-making. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government." Tom's background outside politics enriches his understanding of Reno's community needs, fostering more inclusive and representative governance. In a system valuing diverse thought, we must value and encourage the participation of "regular" citizens in public service, ensuring a government truly of, by, and for the people.
What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Here's the thing...experience is critically important... life experience. There are certainly things that our elected officials need to know, and some of them are very complex - but that's what research, staff, and advisors help with. The thing our elected officials need most is an open mind, a good heart, a strong will, and the ability to learn. That, in my opinion, is what matters. Not government experience. It would not have made my top 4 questions to ask candidates if I was running the Washoe County website.
Have thoughts? Please reach out...let's have a discussion!
